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You will visit beautiful places all over Japan, meet various people, and have a wonderful experience. Various means of transportation are essential for traveling.
Well, please check out the list below in order not to spoil a trip or life in Japan that should be fun by not knowing a few manners based on Japanese customs. 1. Do you know the best times to get on a train? 2. Do you know when you should pay for the taxi? 3. Do you know the manners you need on the escalators? 4. Japanese people in front of you are putting their hands together. What does this mean? 5. Do you know manners when watching Kabuki and Noh? Were you able to answer these questions easily? If you weren’t, you may want to read our ebook a little bit more. Vertical Divider
1. Train, Taxi and Bus Etiquette 1.1 Train
1.2 Taxi 1.3 Bus Vertical Divider
2. Dining Out 2.1 Types of restaurants
2.2 Paying 2.3 Japanese traditional style dining 2.4 Other things to be helpful Vertical Divider
3. Manners When Watching Kabuki, Noh, Kyogen and Bunraku 3.1 ‘Kabuki’ 歌舞伎
3.2 ‘Noh’ and ‘Kyogen’ 能, 狂言 3.3 ‘Bunraku’ 文楽 |
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